Holy Fuck In The Field

Painting, oil on canvas, 100x140cm, Amsterdam 2019-2022

Some thoughts

Your supreme power, whether it is God or the Universe or another derivative entity, doesn't pick sides. Believe that.

Animals fight for one reason: animal economics (food and staying strong). People fight out of conviction. People can be filled with hate against other one's beliefs, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, success, color, smell, country, nationality, love... And are willing to use force to satisfy their blind fury.

Hate, like plastic and unlike love, is not natural. But it is our footprint.

My children, grand child and children to come, are facing hard times. I wish them a wonderful planet.


The line "We must run" and actually the whole song "Resistance" by Muse.

I am affected by the idea that as humans we always do something that is considered wrong, evil even, by fellow humans.

But humans find and love eachother, no matter the law of the land, no matter if it's "forbidden", no matter if they must run...


The snake on the left appeared at the last day of the creation. It took more than three years to complete this work.

This painting is talked about in the Knooppunt TV item (watch that on De.Studio website, there you find an English transcript as well).

Stay tuned (by email for instance, I can put you on a mailing list), I'm making a history animation of this painting.