The First Artists

Mondriaan On The Rocks - 34591 BC

Painting, oil on canvas, 30x40cm, Amsterdam 2020-2022

Some thoughts

Art is always there. Also - and especially - in the dark.

Every creature is capable of discovering the art.

Art is the highest form of human output.

What have we learnt in let's say 1,700 generations?

Tiny QR codes are difficult to paint.


This work was basically inspired by a composition on someone's holiday snap I once saw. To show my statement: everbody is an artist, it is in our human blood. Then I "saw" the cave in the composition. Then I saw what these figures were actually doing (in the photo they were serving coffee). And when this painting was finished, I went to Altamira to look for confirmation, and I got it: rocks, red colors mainly, men making paint, brushes from twigs... and I expect women painting abstract realities, perhaps for educational purposes but certainly for the inner drive to create - decorative - art as well.


There was an animation NFT available of this painting (and there will be new ones soon) here on OpenSea.

First edit had my signature in the right lower corner. I replaced it by a painted QR code (oil, though acrylic was tempting).

Painting such a small QR code that works took me more time than Van Gogh creating a few paintings, including the walks to the scenes under the hot Provence sun (imagine his suffering for art's sake). The QR is still not perfect but it works. See the first movie here below.

In this video I show you the sense of signing with a QR code. This one is rather tiny on rough surface but I persisted to paint it by hand.

The webpage it leads you to is The domain is a private link shortener with extended functionality, maintained by my web company ViBiS ( or

Click the image and you'll see a simple animation I made of the painting, after it was finished. It shows the order of appearance: first there was art, then light - God did not create light on the first day either - and then living creatures to discover art.