Forever Young

From Big Bang To Eternity

Painting, Oil on canvas, 150x50cm, Amsterdam 2020-2022

Some thoughts

Everything was once so close together but fell apart with a big bang.

Hair is an excellent example of universal structure and constant motion, particularly in Dalí's moustache (including the thin wire).

Will we make it to the end of our universe (which will be in billions and billions of years) or do competing species stand a bigger chance? Is it spine versus exoskeleton or how the organism handles the opposite sex (eating the male after the conception or caressing each other's genitals)?


This work was basically inspired by the idea of an elder couple in the dunes at sea, with a Volkswagen Beetle in the background. She plays with his cock and they relive their life. They are aging forever young. I guess that is my wish or something.

And background it became: the cosmic microwave background (here is the sound of it, on Soundcloud). The beetle became a couple of African grasshoppers. And the elder couple became very old like mountains people mixining together with soil and grass with a background of elements formed from smaller common structures.


I tend to spend much time on my paintings. To create the perfect color set and and complete the story. This one was done rather quickly, it took about one working week in total.